Research shows that people are drawn to entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial journey, but intimidated by the risk it entails. If you’ve experienced financial struggles in the past — whether they were personal or professional — you may be understandably apprehensive about diving into a risky situation. No matter how great your business plan is, starting a new business is a risk, but this hesitation may be all that stands between you and your ideal business. With the right support and resources, you can confront your reservations head-on and start a business you’ll love. From Money Alignment Academy, find out how setbacks from your past may actually prepare you for success in the future.

Letting Go of the Pain of Past Losses

Admitting hurt is always a vulnerable position, and it’s particularly sensitive when money is at the heart of the issue. If you’ve ever watched your investments tank or faced the reality of a failing business, you may still have pain that lingers from these experiences. It’s time to accept it, let it go, and learn from it.

You can start by taking baby steps toward reasonable risk. You probably aren’t ready to invest your life savings in your new business — nor should you — but you can regain your ability to embrace the unknown by addressing risk. Investing in business insurance like workers’ compensation or professional liability is a great way to do this.

Scoping out the competition can also help you eliminate insecurities about past obstacles. Chances are, you’ll find that many other entrepreneurs have experienced struggles, too. There’s often a stigma associated with professional setbacks, but in reality, it’s a normal — and perhaps inevitable — part of owning a business.

If you still have reservations about starting a new business, consider delaying your business plans to pursue an MBA online. Pursuing an MBA can help prepare you to lead a business, providing you with a broad exposure to many facets of business management. Flexible online scheduling means that you can get your degree in a way that works for you and be finished in as little as one year.

Marketing Your New Business With Optimism

With the past behind you, you can move into the future with optimism. Developing a support network of family, friends, and like-minded entrepreneurs can help your business succeed. A major component of your new business is the branding you develop. Customers will be drawn to a business that’s aligned with a recognizable, inviting aesthetic.

Branding is also integral to your marketing plan. Whether you’re marketing with print ads or a social media campaign, you need images that attract attention. On your social media accounts, you can use banner graphics to accomplish this. A graphic designer can create banners that show off the services you provide, or you can save and try a banner design maker yourself. Customize it by choosing colors, text, and images that match your branding. Once you have a design you like, you can download it to use on your various social media accounts.

Using DIY methods is always a great way to minimize expenses. You should outline all of your new business’ expected expenses, including the cost of marketing, in a comprehensive business plan. Include details such as financial projections, funding sources, and analyses of competitors, too.

Make Your Business Dreams a Reality

Starting a business is just as challenging as it can be rewarding. Pursuing entrepreneurship may prompt you to wonder whether financial setbacks from the past can thwart your dreams in the future. When you let go of the insecurities caused by financial struggles, you can invest in new opportunities with confidence. Leverage marketing strategies and a strong network of support to ensure that your new business is successful.

Move past the setbacks of the past and achieve your business goals. Your struggles can be a learning opportunity when you choose confidence. And for help achieving your financial wellness goals, reach out to Money Alignment Academy today!