Courageousness with Sheila Vijeyarasa
What would you do if you were brave enough to overcome any and all of your fears? Sheila Vijeyarasa talks about how and why we all experience fear and uncertainty when we’re thinking about making big changes in our lives, and shares a process for overcoming them and moving towards the lives we truly want!
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About the Episode
LifeBlood COMPLETE: We talked about courageousness, what it mens to live a life of courage, 3D reality, the value of spiritual awakening, and how to start that process.
We discussed Sheila’s experience of climbing the corporate ladder and experiencing outward success, but not being happy, what she did to change her life and reality, and how she was able to do it.
We talked about what it means to be brave in everyday life, versus extreme acts of bravery, how it’s possible and required to be brave and courageous every day if you really want to live a life of intention, and how to go about it.
We discussed living in 3D reality versus gaining access to higher levels of existence and energy, why one would want to have a spiritual awakening, how it happens and what it can mean for your life moving forward.
We talked about how to let life come to you versus forcing things, how to start trusting your instincts and reconnecting with who you really are as an individual, the importance of self-love and how to start doing it, and realizing all the answers you seek are within you with Sheila Vijeyarasa, intuitive mentor of brave souls on their corporate journey, a courageously live your life entrepreneur, corporate disruptor, a spiritual teacher and executive coach, and the author of Brave: Courageously Live Your Truth.
Listen to learn how to connect with your spirit guides, why you’d want to and what the potential benefits could be!
For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 17:06.
You can learn more about Sheila at SheilaV.CO, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.
Thanks, as always for listening! If you got some value and enjoyed the show, please leave us a review wherever you listen and subscribe as well.
You can learn more about us at, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook or you’d like to be a guest on the show, contact George at [email protected].

George Grombacher
Lifeblood Host

Sheila Vijeyarasa
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