Financing Real Estate Projects with Stephanie Casper

Wanting to buy investment real estate, but not sure how to get it financed?  Stephanie Casper breaks down the lending landscape and shares her perspective on how technology has improved the process and reduced costs for investors!

Oct 4, 2021 | Podcast

About the Episode

LifeBlood REI: We talked about Stephanie’s professional path, the evolution of real estate investing, the current landscape, how institutional money is impacting the space and what the future could hold. 

The traditional ways in which investors would finance projects and how that’s being changed through technology and greater interest in the space, and how innovation has driven down costs and benefited operators.  

How LendingHome is positioned to help investors with short term liquidity needs as well as longer term needs, how their process works from a risk and underwriting standpoint, and how to position yourself for success with your own team as well as being organized from a financial standpointwith Stephanie Casper, VO and Head of Sales with LendingHome, an organization using innovative technology to simplify the financing process for real estate investors.  Listen to learn how to get financing for your first investment real estate purchase or your 100th!  

For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 18:37!

You can learn more about Stephanie at, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Thanks, as always for listening!  If you got some value and enjoyed the show, please leave us a review wherever you listen and subscribe as well. 

You can learn more about us at, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook or you’d like to be a guest on the show, contact George at [email protected].

George Grombacher

George Grombacher

Lifeblood Host

Stephanie Casper

Stephanie Casper


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