Get Healthy with Barton Scott

LifeBlood BE WELL: We talked about the mineral deficiencies that so many Americans suffer from, how self-medicating with alcohol and coffee makes matters worse, why multivitamins come up short, how it becomes difficult to be optimistic when we’re not optimized, how our nutrition become our personality for better or for worse, how mineral deficiencies are often responsible for listlessness, fatigue, poor sleep and a lack of attention, and how we don’t know how bad we’re really feeling until we start feeling good!

Sep 24, 2021 | Podcast

About the Episode

LifeBlood BE WELL: We talked about the mineral deficiencies that so many Americans suffer from, how self-medicating with alcohol and coffee makes matters worse, why multivitamins come up short, how it becomes difficult to be optimistic when we’re not optimized, how our nutrition become our personality for better or for worse, how mineral deficiencies are often responsible for listlessness, fatigue, poor sleep and a lack of attention, and how we don’t know how bad we’re really feeling until we start feeling good with Barton Scott, Chemical Engineer, Nutritionist and Founder of  Listen to learn the first step to fixing your health and living a better life and happier life!

For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 17:46.

You can learn more about Barton at, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

George Grombacher

George Grombacher

Lifeblood Host

Barton Scott

Barton Scott


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