Getting to the Root Cause with Paul Cope

We talked about the all too common trap of pursuing a life we thought we wanted, getting it and then realizing it doesn’t bring us the happiness we were expecting.  Hitting rock bottom and what to do should you find yourself there.  The value of being able to take in a lot of complex information and distill it down into digestible bites. and how so many of our problems as adults stem from our childhoods!

Sep 27, 2021 | Podcast

About the Episode

LifeBlood ENGAGE:  We talked about the all too common trap of pursuing a life we thought we wanted, getting it and then realizing it doesn’t bring us the happiness we were expecting.  Hitting rock bottom and what to do should you find yourself there.  The value of being able to take in a lot of complex information and distill it down into digestible bites.  How so many of our problems as adults stem from our childhoods.  Why something we perceive to be small as adults can be a really big thing for kids.  How all trauma, no matter how big or small, needs to be addressed.  Why it’s valuable to ask yourself how happy you are on a scale of 1 to 100, then figure out how to increase the number whatever it might be.  How our mental health requires ongoing exercise, just like our physical fitness, and how to get started with Paul Cope, problem solver, coach, author and former lawyer.  Listen to learn whether or not you’re in a position to improve the level of overall happiness in your life!  

For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 18:23!

You can learn more about Paul at, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

George Grombacher

George Grombacher

Lifeblood Host

Paul Cope

Paul Cope


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