Lessons from 9/11

Where were you on 9/11?  What do you remember, what will you never forget?  How do you view our Country today versus 20 years ago?  What can we as individuals do to bring one another closer and make America stronger?    

Sentari Minor and I share our personal experiences, talk about lessons learned and hope for the future. 

Sep 10, 2021 | Podcast

About the Episode

LifeBlood: We talked about our personal experiences with 9/11, we compared and contrasted the United States then and now, talked about the value of diversity, how to successfully navigate the never-ending onslaught of information and events, and how to have real conversations.

We discussed the value of differences, the importance of sharing a common belief in an ideal, and embracing both.

We talked about the challenge of dealing with one seemingly existential crisis after another, the role perspective plays in our lives and how to get a healthy one and hold onto it. 

We discussed the importance of having critical thinking skills and actually using them, having the courage to personally examine and think about the major issues of the day, question our existing beliefs about things, and how to enter into conversations with others with curiosity and a genuine desire to learn and grow with Sentari Minor, Head of Strategy at evolvedMD, storyteller, strategist and social impact advisor.

Thanks, as always for listening!  If you got some value and enjoyed the show, please leave us a review wherever you listen and subscribe as well. 

You can learn more about us at MoneyAlignmentAcademy.com, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook or you’d like to be a guest on the show, contact George at [email protected].

George Grombacher

George Grombacher

Lifeblood Host

Sentari Minor

Sentari Minor


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