Live Streaming with Howie Zales
We talked about producing live sports like the NFL, Olympics and WWE, how to be able to pivot and capitalize on new opportunities, what individuals, companies and major sports leagues can do to improve, and how to get started!
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About the Episode
LifeBlood CREATE: We talked about producing live sports like the NFL, Olympics and WWE, how to be able to pivot and capitalize on new opportunities, what individuals, companies and major sports leagues can do to improve, and how to get started with Howie Zales, Emmy Award winning camera operator and CEO of HJZ Productions and Viridity Entertainment Solutions. Listen to learn how technology is changing to meet the needs of virtual events!
For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 18:35!
You can learn more about Howie at ViridityEntertainment.com, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

George Grombacher
Lifeblood Host
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