The Champion’s Mind with Jeff Spencer

We talked about how we crave and detest sameness at the same time, how everyone’s unique contribution is important to bring into the world, how two sides of our brains are constantly in conflict and what to do about it, and how to finally find the success you’ve been looking for!

Jun 21, 2021 | Podcast

About the Episode

LifeBlood ENGAGE:  We talked about how we crave and detest sameness at the same time, how everyone’s unique contribution is important to bring into the world, how two sides of our brains are constantly in conflict and what to do about it, and how to finally find the success you’ve been looking for with Dr. Jeff Spencer, the Cornerman Titans Turn To, coach, author and speaker.  Listen to learn what to do when you’re feeling like you’re working your butt off, but not getting where you want to go!  

For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 19:11!

You can learn more about Jeff at BeforeYouWin.com, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


George Grombacher

George Grombacher

Lifeblood Host

Jeff Spencer

Jeff Spencer


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