Understanding Crypto with Zak Killermann

We talked about the current state of crypto, Bitcoin’s energy consumption, social media and meme culture, the value of not having all your assets tied to a single country, and how to become better informed!

Sep 26, 2021 | Podcast

About the Episode

LifeBlood DEFI: We talked about the current state of crypto, Bitcoin’s energy consumption, social media and meme culture, the value of not having all your assets tied to a single country, and how to become better informed with Zak Killermann, Associate Publisher at Finder.com.  Listen to learn how to think about and evaluate if crypto is a good investment option for you!

For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 18:24.

You can learn more about Zak at Finder.com, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

George Grombacher

George Grombacher

Lifeblood Host

Zak Killermann

Zak Killermann


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