Weight Loss Diet with Rocky Haire and Valerie Maclin
Wherever you’re currently at, is it possible to lose weight and start living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle? Rocky Haire and Valerie Maclin think so and have developed a program around breaking the addiction to food and getting back to feeling good and being healthy!
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About the Episode
LifeBlood BE WELL: We talked about an effective weight loss diet, breaking the addiction to food, eating too much of the wrong foods, and realizing the promise of a healthy lifestyle.
We discussed how we, as Americans, we’re programmed into thinking a low fat diet was the correct and healthy one to follow, how those diets are traditionally full of sugar and carbohydrates and why that’s the opposite recipe for a healthy diet and lifestyle.
We talked about how weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise, how so much of being successful losing weight and maintaining a desired weight is about habits, how we have a set number of fat cells in our bodies and how they work and operate.
We discussed the many factors including shame that keep people from seeking help and taking important steps towards getting healthy, why it’s important to meet people where they are, provide support and accountability, and give them an actionable plan to follow that will get them where they want to go and how it’s never to late with Rocky Haire and Valerie Maclin, Founders of SKINNY, a comprehensive weight loss program, meeting people where they are and helping them get back to living a healthy lifestyle.
Listen to learn why even when things seem out of reach or impossible to achieve, the first step is the most important so you’ve just got to get started!
For the Difference Making Tip, scan ahead to 20:52.
You can learn more about Valerie and Rocky at SkinnyLife4U.com, Facebook and Instagram.
Thanks, as always for listening! If you got some value and enjoyed the show, please leave us a review wherever you listen and subscribe as well.
You can learn more about us at MoneyAlignmentAcademy.com, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook or you’d like to be a guest on the show, contact George at [email protected].

George Grombacher
Lifeblood Host

Valerie Maclin

Rocky Haire
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