Work Sucks. Or Does It?
Do you think work sucks? If you had the choice, would you work less? How much less? George G talks about how to make it better!
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About the Episode
Do you think work sucks? Is it something you’d prefer to not do, or maybe you wish you could do more of it? Is a six day work week better than four, or vice versa?
George G shares his perspective on work versus a career, how to shift your perspective, and how to get the most out of your job!
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The Aligned Money Show is the podcast for Money Alignment Academy, copyright 2024.

George Grombacher
Episode Transcript
today’s letter comes to us from Little Sarah Little Sarah writes, Dear George, gee, would you rather I’d love? Would you rather so much fun? Great job Little Sarah, would you rather work one day a week? Or six days a week? Oof, whatever, either work one day a week or six days a week? I imagine that what prompted this letter? Was the news that Greece was bucking the trend of the other countries in Europe and probably all over the world? Well, that’s probably not true at all.
That’s probably not true at all, of working four days a week, I don’t imagine that they’re working four days a week in China, nor do I imagine they’re doing that in India, or in the majority of the world, frankly, outside of Western countries. So would I rather work six days a week or one day a week? And my answer to that question is I’d probably rather work six days a week, then what I simply cannot imagine only working one day a week. Now, all of this is dependent, and
I guess reliant on what kind of work you are doing, how you think and feel about work, and all these things. So an enormous amount of nuance. But let me ask you this, what what would you prefer, I think your your fast knee jerk responses one day a week, just rather work one day a week, and then have the remaining six days to do as you pleased. So
and I don’t disagree with that. Now, I am a very fortunate person in that I enjoy what I do. And so my perception and beliefs and thoughts about work may be different. I’m sure it’s different than other people, just as other people’s ideas are different than mine. There’s probably some people that want to work every minute of every day and don’t want to sleep and just want to keep doing what they’re doing. That’s not me. I’m interested in having a balanced life. But I am akin and prefer to talk about work life balance as rhythm, just be able to, to be able to have the right strike the right rhythm, the right pace, to all the things that I do all the different parts of my life. So that’s what I’m striving for. So it’s never going to be probably never going to be the same every day.
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