Debt Sucks- How to Get Out of Debt and Stay Out for Good

Debt Sucks- How to Get Out of Debt and Stay Out for Good

Debt is crushing us.  It’s crushing our financial aspirations and it’s crushing our souls.  It did both of these things to me for years, until I made the necessary changes to get out and stay out of debt. I’ll share my tips below, the same methods I...
A Financial Coaching Case Study

A Financial Coaching Case Study

Maybe you’ve heard of financial coaching but don’t know what it is, who does it, how it works, who it really benefits and if it’s really worth it.  This post will answer those questions. In the last five years of my 20 year career in personal finance, I begun to...
Permission to Invest in Dogecoin

Permission to Invest in Dogecoin

What makes high-wire acts like The Flying Wallendas so amazing?  In addition to the feats of strength, focus, and hours put in, it’s that there’s no net.   As young people, many of us engaged in extremely risky activities in many aspects of life...
Money Beliefs

Money Beliefs

Our family was on our way to a hike some Saturdays ago listening to Brian Koppelman’s The Moment podcast where his guest, Julia Cameron, was talking about her book, “The Artist’s Way.” This was my introduction to Julia and her work.   What first struck me...
Meme Stock, Good Stock, Bad Stock, GameStop

Meme Stock, Good Stock, Bad Stock, GameStop

If you participated in the Wall St. Bets/Reddit/Meme Stock phenomenon this year, I hope you got rich.  I hope you “stuck it to the man.”  Whatever you wanted out of it, I hope you got it.  I hope you also learned some valuable information that will...