Critical Thinking with Dr. Greg Sadler
In a time when we’re experiencing one shocking and polaring event after another, what can we do to sharpen our critical thinking skills and improve how we consume information? Dr. Greg Sadler shares his thoughts and perspective on how to take a just and ethical approach in order to successfully navigate big problems!
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About the Episode
LifeBlood: We talked about critical thinking, why it’s more important than ever, how to get better at it, how to become a better consumer of news and information, and why it’s harder than ever to do it.
We discussed the idea of information literacy, why it’s harder today than in times past to be able to trust our news sources, the reasons behind that, and how to become better consumers of news.
We talked about critical thinking, how it has been taught in Universities for a long time, and how it’s value and the need for it is bigger than it’s ever been, how the Stoics thought about it and applied it.
We discussed the Stoic virtue of justice, how to apply it to the biggest problems and issues were facing today like vaccines and abortion, how it’s really important to go far beyond rhetoric and talking points if you really want to form an opinion on these issues, and how to engage in civilized discourse on difficult issues.
We talked about how to avoid binary thinking, how to appreciate and consider nuance, why it’s essential to consider motivations and how to pursue truth with Dr. Gregory Sadler, philosopher, speaker, author, podcaster, consultant, coach and content creator. He’s the Editor of Stoicism Today, a Professor and the CoOrganizer of STOICON.
Listen to learn why history doesn’t repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes, and how to be cognizant and mindful of that reality!
You can learn more about Greg at, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.
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You can learn more about us at, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook or you’d like to be a guest on the show, contact George at [email protected].

George Grombacher
Lifeblood Host

Dr. Greg Sadler
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